Powerful Money Management Made Simple.

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Proactively Track Spending

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So many of us are used to going out with our debit or credit cards. We 'swipe and go' and don't really think about anything. Most of today's personal finance tools connect into our bank accounts and reinforce that behavior. We become completely unaware of how much money we're actually spending.

Chext flips this notion on its head. If you're a fan of personal finance guru Ramit Sethi, he is a big proponent of conscious spending. He defines this as being actively involved in the spending process. Spending money on the things that are the most important in your life, and cutting back tenaciously on the things that aren't. Chext helps to reinforce this behavior by allowing you to quickly send a text message for each time you spend money It reinforces that behavior by returning your newest balance immediately, keeping you aware of your new balance after each transaction - it's an incredibly empowering feeling!

Get Control of Your Shared Accounts

One of the things Chext is great at is helping you get control of accounts shared by multiple people. Share an account with your parents, children, or significant other? Chext lets you invite people into each account you create within Chext. This allows multiple people to not only track spending within that account, it allows everyone on the account to get balance updates whenever anyone spends!

Everyone Loves Chext

Fan of Dave Ramsey? Want a better way to "do" envelopes? Check out Chext. — Glenn Rumfellow

Chext provides an easy way to keep your account up to date so you'll always be aware of how much money you have. — slapstart.com

The Easiest Way To Keep Track Of Your Balance Via SMS. — MakeUseOf.com

This is great! Talk about financial communication! — P. Torrevillas